The staff of the Observer was generally happy with the October issue. We thought it had a variety of interesting articles and some beautiful pictures. It also contained a slightly revised Voters Guide, published a month earlier than traditionally had been the case to give voters more time to reflect and with a revised format, designed to give the candidates greater latitude to describe their virtues. Unfortunately, as some of you may have noticed, it arrived several days later than our goal of town wide delivery on the first of the month. For that we apologize.
While the most recent delay may have been longer than several that proceeded it, be sure that we are doing all that we can to prevent delays. In fact, each month our volunteers have submitted our final for printing edition to the publisher in a timely fashion, but the printer has been unable to meet established delivery deadlines. We have spoken to our long-time printing partner, who indicated that virtually all of their “print jobs”, including those for their own newspapers, had suffered similar delays. More importantly they indicated that they had already started on a course to try to prevent future delays.
We hope they are able to promptly solve the issue and that no further apologies will be needed. However, it does allow me to point out to everyone that the most recent issue is always available (as are several years of back issues) on the first of the month by going to our website at While we have every intention of continuing to print the paper, and have it delivered timely, it is a good alternative if the paper is late or for those who want to read it on the run. But no, you can’t get into “Where in the World” with a picture of you holding up a phone and claiming you were reading the paper on the website.