The Suffield Garden Club announced the receipt of a grant from the Fred and Astrid Hanzalek Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. The good news was shared at the club’s November meeting held at the Suffield High School with students in the Agriscience Program. Our long-time member, Astrid Hanzalek, attended this event and was warmly thanked by all our members.
The grant is for the special care of a few trees on Main Street, two of which are in front the King House. Included is treatment for the prevention of the Emerald Ash Borer. Members of the FFA gave a wonderful program on invasive species which included a piece on the Emerald Ash Borer. Although unplanned, the piece tied in with our special announcement. Club member Mike DeSanto, an Arborist with Bartlett Tree Experts, will lead the grant project along with club volunteers.
Our thanks go to the Hanzaleks for their generosity to the Town of Suffield.