Dian Friedman Speaks at Suffield Woman’s Club

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Photo by Lester Smith

Speaker Dian Friedman, left, and club president Lisa Pepe are pictured at the January SWC meeting, which included an informative report on the speaker’s trip to Israel and Lebanon.

Dian Friedman’s talked about her trip to Israel and Jordan in October and November 2018. She traveled with a group of 15 people through Overseas Adventure Travel in Boston.

She told of her experience swimming in the Dead Sea, boating on the Galilee, and leaving a note in the Western Wall in Old Jerusalem. She stayed at a kibbutz and visited the Golan Heights and visited Tel Aviv and Haifa.

Dian said she learned as much about Christian history as she did about Israeli history and felt safe while she was there. 

Everyone spoke English, so there was no communication problem. It was a fantastic and educational trip. 

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