Suffield 350th Anniversary Calendar

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Photo by Donald Rawling

The cover page of the anniversary calendar shows this nicely landscaped sign of welcome on North Street by the Hickory Street corner.

350th Anniverary Calendars are available at town events and at the Kent Memorial Library. It portrays Suffield life through pictures of places and organizations as follows:


September: Suffield Firefighters Association

October: Polish Heritage Sjociety

November: The Phelps-Hatheway Home & Gardens

December: Suffield Community Aid


January: Kent Memorial Library

February: Suffield Regional Agriscience Center

March: Bridge Street School

April: Suffield Boy Scouts

May: The Suffield Garden Club

June: Suffield Farmers Market

July: Suffield Parks & Rec

August: Babb’s Beach

September: Friends of the Farm at Hilltop

October: Suffield Historical Society

November: Suffield Land Conservancy

December: Suffield Players


January: The West Suffield Village

Improvement Association

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