Uncover the Beauty Hidden in the Himalayas

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Photo by Scott Emmons

Putting the White Mountains to shame, the Himalayas were the backdrop to the photographer’s service and hiking visit to Nepal.

Register for a fun, free Family Night and Community Talk about the amazing Himalayas with the Suffield Parks and Recreation Department and the Kent Memorial Library.

Travel back centuries to a community and culture hidden in the Himalayas! Get ready for a fun evening, as Scott Emmons, Suffield resident, brings to you the small country of Nepal with a presentation of a trek that he recently participated in. Sandwiched between Tibet and India, Nepal is a country rich with culture, beauty and untouched civilizations dating back centuries.

Scott has extensive photos and tales of the trip he took, which encompassed assisting in the building of three schools as a volunteer experience in the earthquake devastated regions of Nepal. He then went trekking for two weeks in the Himalayan Mountains. Scott hiked through regions only recently open to tourists and was able to witness the way that the Nepalese people live – their daily routines dating back centuries. It was truly a wonderful experience and the photos he took along the way will bring this amazing journey to life. Join us for an enjoyable and unforgettable evening to enjoy this rich cultural show.

Registration closes on Monday, November 18 and/or earlier if enrollment reaches maximum capacity. (Please pre-register for planning purposes and for light refreshments.)

Presenter: Scott Emmons

Day: Thursday

Date: November 21

Time: 6 – 8 p.m.

Location: KML Auditorium

Fee : Free

Ages: All ages

Informative and fun for the whole family. 

Pre-registration is required.

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