The Mac Farm on North Street provided plenty of pumpkins on Saturday, October 26, when West Side Auto & Tyre hosted a Trunk or Treat event at their service center on Mountain Road in West Suffield Center. SSU Photo from Enfield brought a Haunted Trailer photo booth, Suffield Police Officer Terry Antrum had a decorated cruiser with candy, and even the Suffield Animal Control Officer dropped in. The event was co-hosted by the East Coast Offroad Jeepers of Connecticut, so there were a bunch of decorated Jeeps, as well. Ruth Skodis, wife of West Side proprietor Larry Skodis, said the adults had as much fun as the kids.
About 30 vehicles participated, with candy or special activities, and Larry and the ECOJOCs had publicized the 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. event on Suffield Forum and with some flyers, so the mid-day turnout was good. Larry says he’s happy with the results and plans to make West Side’s Trunk or Treat a yearly event.
The general idea of Trunk or Treat developed from other fall festivals just a few decades ago as a safer event than trick-or-treat or as a way to observe Halloween in neighborhoods with widely spaced homes. It’s not yet common hereabouts, but West Suffield Center seems like a good venue for the latter.