The Suffield Garden Club had a successful tour of our beloved historic Main Street homes this past holiday season to be sure. The street was bustling with activity and holiday spirit. Thank you to those who shared their homes and to our own Garden Club members for their creativity and hard work. Suffield Hardware, the Police Cadets, the Senior Minibus and the Highway Department all contributed to the success of the event.
During this winter season, we’ll begin planning for a series of projects that we have just raised funds for. Already we have made donations to the Police Cadets, Minibus Reserve Fund and Suffield 350.
Suffield Garden Club is a nonprofit. All funds raised go back into our community. Habitat restoration, greenscaping and education are primary to our mission and drive our civic projects and collaborations with local and like-minded organizations. Historic District tree preservation and additional dogwood planting will begin in the spring. Labeling of the many species of trees along our Main Street corridor is a developing project. We’ll be discussing conservation projects such as the National Pollinator Pathway and looking to participate with local conservation groups on community education programs.
Thank you Suffield for helping us invest in our beautiful town. We’ll keep you posted as things develop.