The Superintendent’s FY2021 Budget Recommendation was presented to the Suffield Board of Education at its December 5, 2019 meeting. The $36,509,475 proposal was a 2.71% increase over the 2019-2020 budget of $35,547,870. With fixed costs accounting for the largest percentage of the budget increase, significant efforts were made to put forth a modest proposal that was in alignment with the mission and goals of the Suffield Public Schools. The major initiatives for the 2020-2021 school year reflect our increasing demands for literacy instruction, Special Education programming, high school coursework, elementary STEM programming, high school guidance, and digital learning. In addition, funding has been requested to address the reoccurring maintenance needs of our school facilities. Throughout the months of January and February, the Board of Education will be deliberating on the current budget proposal with the goal of adopting a recommendation that will then be submitted to the Board of Finance in March. Residents are welcome to attend all budget deliberations and provide feedback to the Board of Education throughout the budget development process. In addition, information regarding the FY2021 budget can be found on our district’s website at
With the Board of Education elections and appointments now complete, I would like to share our Board of Education members, officers, and committee representatives.
Suffield Board of Education
Susan Mercik-Davis, Chair
Michael Sepko, Vice Chair
Maureen Sattan, Secretary
Jamie Drzyzga
Debra Dudack
Melissa Finnigan
Brian Fry
Glenn Gazdik
Scott Lingenfelter
Suffield Boardof EducationSubcommittees & LiaisonsCommunity Engagement and Public Relations
Brian Fry, Chair
Debra Dudack
Melissa Finnigan
Michael Sepko
Curriculum and Instruction
Jamie Drzyzga, Chair
Glenn Gazdik
Scott Lingenfelter
Maureen Sattan
Finance, Facilities and Negotiations
Michael Sepko, Chair
Melissa Finnigan
Glenn Gazdik
Maureen Sattan
BOE Liaisons
Jamie Drzyzga, CABE
Maureen Sattan, CREC
*Susan Mercik-Davis, Chair – Ex Officio on all Subcommittees
The responsibility and time commitment of being on the Board of Education is significant, and we are grateful for their dedication as we look to the future of the Suffield Public Schools under their leadership. If you would like to speak with a Board of Education member, email addresses can be found on our district’s website at
In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the accomplishments of our students and staff. Congratulations to two of our high school students, Jack Flanagan and Ian Woods, for receiving the “Best Bill” award at the 80th Annual American International College Model Congress. Their proposed mock legislation on mandatory vaccinations in public schools successfully made its way through a committee session before being moved forward for Senate approval.
In addition, I would also like to formally acknowledge and congratulate our high school athletics program for receiving the coveted CIAC Michaels Achievement Cup for our exemplary high school sports programs. Our high school was one of twenty schools across the state who received this sportsmanship distinction.
Congratulations are also in order for McAlister Physical Education Teacher Mrs. Raymond for receiving a special invitation to submit a presentation proposal for the Northeast Health and Physical Education Convention in Monticello, New York. Important to note, Mrs. Raymond has presented on multiple occasions at the Connecticut Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention on topics ranging from colonial games to SMART Goals in Physical Education.