At The Suffield Observer press deadline, the Town of Suffield, Permanent Building Commission and our construction partners were busy at work ironing out the final details for the Town Hall renovation. Given the deadline time constraints and the desire to provide residents with the most current and comprehensive information, we will post the March First Selectman’s Column under Town News on the Town’s website We will also be adding the Town Hall information to the newly launched website page Capital Projects, RFPs & Bids in order to provide a central source for communications and questions. Thank you for your understanding.
Just a reminder, residents can sign up to receive email notifications automatically when Town News and Agendas & Minutes are posted. It’s a great way to keep up on town happenings in the most timely fashion. Just follow these quick and easy steps:
Go to the Town News page.
Select the tab for the appropriate content (Towns News or Agendas & Minutes).
Click on the small bell in the yellow box located on the far right of the screen.
Follow the next steps.
If asked “Are you a robot” or “Are you a human”, answer accordingly; this is a security feature embedded in the website.
For residents who signed up to receive emails on the old website, you will need to sign up again on the new website. Unfortunately, the new website did not allow for the transfer of subscriptions.
Please feel free to contact Kim Worthington ( if you have any difficulties.
One last housekeeping item: In order to enhance the efficiency of Town government, all original residential blueprints on file in the Building Department have been scanned. Original plans will be available for pickup by the current owner(s) on Monday, March 9 in the Town Hall Meeting Room. This will be the very final last day to pick up blueprints as all remaining after March 9 will be shredded in advance of the Town Hall project getting started. Look for additional details on the Town News website page in the first week of March.
Here’s hoping March comes in like a lion.