Acknowledge the many who are loved and lost, but never forgotten in this first annual event run this year by the Suffield 350 Committee.
Field of Flags will include three hundred and fifty 3’x 5’ American flags on Suffield’s town green and Veterans Park proudly waving with a personalized name/message on each.
This month long event culminating on Veterans Day, November 11, will honor the memory and dedication of those who have served, and are serving our country and communities yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Visit the Field of Flags to pay tribute, give thanks, and demonstrate a sincere appreciation for the service and sacrifices of others. Veterans, first responders, and COVID heroes can all be recognized. Our country and community is what it is today because of the contributions of many.
Individuals, organizations, or businesses can sponsor keepsake flags in honor of loved ones. Your American flag with Honoree/Sponsor tag will be displayed in our Field of Flags and dedicated on Suffield’s 350th Anniversary weekend, October 10. Proceeds from this year’s event will benefit Will Power for Veterans and Suffield’s First Responders.
The deadline to sponsor is September 1. Sponsor one flag for $30 or four for $100. $500 Gold sponsorship includes 10 flags and name on the sponsor banner. $1,000 platinum sponsorship includes 15 flags, name on the sponsor banner, and an individual sponsor sign with a dedicated row.
Contact the Suffield 350 Anniversary committee at: with any questions, to volunteer, or to become a sponsor.