What’s Happening at SCA this Month?
COVID-19 Help andResources Available
Staff has been working inside our locked door since the pandemic began. We have used the time to familiarize ourselves with programs and resources to help our residents who have been impacted by COVID-19. Due to the generosity of the greater community, we have created a special COVID-19/Crisis Relief Fund. This fund will target one-time assistance to those residents who do not qualify for other needs-based programs and whose lives have been significantly and negatively changed by COVID-19. Call to find out more or to apply confidentially.
You’re Invited toThe Memory Café — VIRTUALLY!
Zoom Trivia is planned for August 12 at 10:30 a.m. for those with early to moderate cognitive loss, their friends and family. Jump on a Zoom call for fun, company and conversation. Email Nicole Matson at nmatson@homehelpershome care.com for information and instructions or call Patricia Beeman at 860-668-1986.
Looking for Summer Camp for your Children or Help with Daycare?
SCA has funding available to subsidize participation for eligible Suffield children and youth attending Suffield Park & Rec and other camp programs. This summer, since opportunities for camp might be limited, SCA may be able to help with a one-time payment to your daycare provider in lieu of a camp subsidy. Call for more information or to apply.
Dementia CaregiverSupport Group
The group meets virtually the last Tuesday of each month via Zoom at 11:00 a.m. The next meeting is August 25. The group is led by a trained Alzheimer’s Association facilitator, Nicole Matson of Home Helpers of Central CT. Her email is nmatson@homehelpershomecare.com or call 860-810-6123 or 860-668-1986 for more info.
School Supply Collection Needs Your Help
We are starting to collect NEW items only for the “Return-to-School Backpack Program” to assist low-income school age children in Suffield. One-inch 3-ring binders, Post-its, calculators, ear buds, page dividers, dry-erase markers, rulers, pencil sharpeners, highlighters, scissors, index cards, and pencil pouches are needed. We already have the backpacks! Monetary donations are also welcome! Please drop off your donations in the large plastic bin near our entry door by August 7 at 450 South Street.
Some OngoingPrograms and Updates
Parkinsons Peer Support
The group’s goal is to share ideas and resources in the managements and treatment of Parkinson’s disorder. For the time being, we are meeting virtually. If you’d like to participate, call Janet at SCA – 860-668-1986.
FREE Masks for Suffield
Due to the time and talent of many sewers during the pandemic, we have masks available to residents looking for one – or maybe even two. Masks are available for curb-side pickup between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. We are fortunate to have so many residents step up to offer their assistance in times like these.
Rental Rebate Program for Elderly & Disabled Residents
The State provides a reimbursement program for Connecticut renters who are elderly or totally disabled, and whose incomes do not exceed certain limits. SCA is now doing phone and email applications for the CT Renter’s Rebate program. There are no in-person appointments permitted at this time.
SCA Food Pantry
Thanks to the generosity of the community, SCA’s Food Pantry has an abundance of items to help Suffield families in need of assistance. If you could use some help with food, personal care, or even cleaning supplies, call SCA. We will pack bags specific to your preferences. You will receive a time-slot to pick up curb-side. All services are confidential.
SCA Seeking Gardeners
The garden provides fresh vegetables for residents utilizing SCA’s Food Pantry. To ensure social distancing, volunteers need to call SCA to secure their time slot.
Are Meals-on-Wheels an Option?
Qualified homebound Suffield seniors, and those fearful of leaving their home during COVID-19 and who are at least age 60, can receive healthy lunches and dinners delivered to their door. Meals are diet specific. A $2.50 donation per meal is suggested by CRT to help cover costs. New safety precautions have been implemented.