As we have done in preparing to offer our Curbside Service, KML staff is similarly working on developing plans for a phased reopening of the Library in the future. We are in communication with other libraries in our area and across the state gathering best practices and information to more fully inform our decisions. We may be taking baby steps, but they are steps in the right direction.
This next step forward is offering our interlibrary loan delivery system which has begun turning its wheels again! The sorting facility is being cleaned, and soon (perhaps by the publication of this article) patrons may begin requesting items from other libraries to be delivered to KML. Newly updated guidelines suggest that items only need to be quarantined for 48 hours rather than the previously suggested 72 hours, helping us get your items to you that much faster. We will be taking this into consideration as we approach reopening.
When the Library does reopen we have to prepare for things to be very different, the extent of which is still unknown. However, one thing is very clear — the best way to show your support is to engage with us. Request those items for pick up and take advantage of our interlibrary loan service through our catalog by changing the location through the drop-down menu.Of course you can also request items by calling and leaving us a message.
Another way to engage with us during this time is to sign up for our Summer Reading Program beginning June 29. Some may recall June 29 marks our anniversary date for moving back into our beautiful building at 50 North Main Street. While it may not appear as though the Library is the same hive of activity compared to last year’s date, our staff have been working tirelessly to develop quality programs and are facilitating the circulation of our collections all while wearing masks and gloves as the days grow ever-warmer.
Health and safety are our top priorities. Keeping our staff healthy and safe means we can continue to serve our patrons, who we would like to thank for doing their part by also wearing masks. We look forward to reopening our Library as soon as we can safely do so. For up to date information, please visit our website at suffield-library.org, emailing us at ref@suffield-library.org, or calling us at 860-668-3896.