We’re Here For You

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I hope that by the time you read this article, you will have heard that the Library has cracked open its doors a bit more. We have made deliberate steps forward in expanding our services since March’s lockdown. Beginning Tuesday, September 22 we opened our building by appointment with all of the appropriate safety measures set in place based on guidelines from the CDC and Governor Lamont.

Though the Library looks a little different now, we are eager to offer access to our Internet, computers, copiers and printers. Our reference staff can help you remotely from a nearby computer, so if you feel like you need a bit more guidance we can ‘drive the mouse’ while keeping a safe distance from each other.

When you visit, we ask that you use hand sanitizer after coming inside and wear a mask at all times. Rest assured, we regularly clean commonly touched surfaces and continue to quarantine all returned items before bringing them back into circulation.

If you feel at odds about coming into our building, or if you’re a bit under the weather, we understand and remain dedicated to serving you. We are still running our Curbside Pick Up Service during the week where you can collect your holds, browse for a new book, and take home a few craft projects for the little ones.

Please continue to reach out to us by phone – 860-668-3896, email – ref@suffield-library.org, and through social media on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. For up to date information, please visit our website at suffield-library.org

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