On March 2, 2021 Spaulding and McAlister celebrated Read Across America Day with many engaging events that shared the joy of reading with students. For the last several years we have celebrated this day, which focuses on motivating children and teens to read. Although this tradition usually involves the students and staff from both schools joining together in person, this year a little creativity was needed to bring the buildings together.
Classrooms from both buildings read together virtually, sharing stories and getting to know each other. Both schools also held school-wide drop-everything-and-read time and decorated their classroom doors to share some of our favorite books. The day was part of a week-long spirit week where students and staff dressed in green, wore crazy hats and socks, wore something to show a place to go, and the favorite, pajama day!
We also kicked off a month-long celebration of reading. Both schools are currently engaged in a Tournament of Books, which will culminate at the end of the month with the school voting on the favorite read-aloud. We were fortunate to have the middle school and high school join in this month of reading by sharing recorded read-alouds for our students. Our students have been enjoying many diverse read-alouds shared by administrators, teachers, and students. We hope these stories inspire our students to a lifelong love of reading.