Selected from the pages of the Windsor Locks Journal and lightly annotated by Wendy Taylor of Kent Memorial Library.
July 1
A thunder shower… brought refreshing rain… growing crops have made remarkable progress in the past twenty-four hours … The rain came too late to save the hay crop….
Lieutenant Wesley Keough and G. B. Jobes of this place… enjoyed a flight in Mr. Keough’s new 160 horsepower Hispano-Suiza aeroplane, which has a capacity of four, from the aerial field in Hartford to Westerly, R. I.
Dr. Walker of Springfield, assisted by Dr. Caldwell of this place, held clinics for the Suffield schools this week and tonsils were removed form forty-two children.
July 8
The trick of placing automobile tires in the road to fool motorists is not a new one and has been played in this town for two or three years by young boys. The fact that it has been used in other parts of the country by highwaymen, who held up the autoists when they stopped to pick up the tire, makes it a dangerous pastime, as strangers driving through during the night might be of a nervous temperament and fire a few bullets…
Mr. And Mrs. E. A. Dunston gave a lawn party to a large party at their home on Kent Avenue… Tables were set on the lawn and refreshments were served. In the evening, a dance was held at the Town hall to conclude the days’ festivities.
Wanted – Slotted lath for shade tobacco. Karl C. Kulle, Suffield.
July 15
The first annual clambake of the Suffield Fish and Game Association will be held at Babb’s Grove, Congamond.
July 22
Judson, the 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Judson L. Phelps, who lives over the mountain, has been ill for several days and the physicians have diagnosed the case as infantile paralysis. This is the first case in town for some time. Health Officer Caldwell has ordered the house quarantined.
July 29
A short time ago the Kent Memorial Library received… a large box of old papers, which were found at the home of the late William L. Loomis…Among the papers were many old account books, some dating as far back as 1770, throwing considerable light on the manners, customs and transactions of the citizens of the is town a hundred and fifty years ago.
Among the rare finds in the collection was a bound volume of “The Impartial Herald,” a newspaper published in Suffield by Edward Gray for two years – from June 1797 to June 1799.
August 5
Sylvester Anderson, colored, was injured… while trying to ride a motorcycle he had just purchased. His foot slipped off one of the pedals, throwing him to the ground, injuring him internally. A physician was called, and he was taken to the Springfield hospital where an operation was performed.
Judson Phelps, Jr. 3-years-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Judson L. Phelps died… at the home of his parents in the west part of the town, after a three-weeks’ illness with spinal meningitis.
August 12
A special town meeting was held at the Town Hall… to see what action the town would take in regard to building a new schoolhouse in the Center District, First Society…the project was turned down by an overwhelming majority.
August 26
About forty-five automobiles, carrying over seventy-five members of the New Jersey and Connecticut Poultry Associations, and also representatives from Rhode Island, New York state and West Virginia poultry men, paid a visit to “Hilltop,” the poultry farm of George M. Hendee… and also the poultry farm of Allen Phillips on East Street.