This past Thursday, September 9, the Suffield Regional Agriscience Program at Suffield High School held its annual FFA Welcome Back Picnic. The school excitedly welcomed its students back into the building this year while still following national Covid-19 guidelines. Students of all grade levels in agriscience and their families were encouraged to participate in this event. Suffield FFA Family, Friends and Alumni group provided food for all members in attendance. During the Welcome Back Picnic, the program introduced the 2021-2022 FFA officer team along with the chapter committee chairs. Students gathered in the school’s Large Animal Facility to play games along with team-building exercises to help bring the chapter back together for their first few weeks back in person after the long pandemic school year. Suffield FFA has many more events waiting to roll out this year and the FFA leadership team is excitedly waiting to do so!
A few students who attended the event were asked three questions: are you glad to be back in school after the pandemic, what are you most excited about this year, and what did you enjoy and would possibly want to see at other FFA events. Overwhelmingly students agreed that they were more than happy to be back in person and were ready to finally get their hands dirty once again while engaged in hands-on labs in their ag classes. When asked what she was excited about this year KJ, a freshman in the Suffield Agriscience Program said, “I couldn’t wait to dive into all that ag has to offer and continue to strengthen the new friendships that I have already made”. Another student, NE says that he can’t wait to get into his first vet science class. While student interests range wildly, one thing continues to connect all ag students: their passion to continue growing as leaders and learning how to better connect with their environment, agriculture and the greater community.
Upcoming events for the agriscience program include our Ag Fall Festival as well as the First Look Night for students in 8th grade interested in learning more about the program and how to apply to be in the agriscience program. First Look will be held on November 4th from 6 – 8 p.m. in the agriscience wing of Suffield High School. Come see the agriscience program, facilities and meet the students and faculty. For more information, please call the agriscience office at 860-668-3817.