Suffield Trivia

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  1. What is the name of the 200-year-old mansion that is being renovated near the dam on Boston Neck Road? A dam at this spot was originally built by John Pynchon circa 1687.
    a. Stone Place
    b. Pynchon Point
    c. Brookside
  2. The Suffield Fire Museum is located behind the fire station on Mountain Road. It contains photos, documents and historic fire equipment from the beginning of the 20th century, including a horse-drawn ladder truck and a hand-drawn hose cart. When was it established?
    a. 1946
    b. 1990
    c. 1970
  3. Bradley International Airport was first used as
    a. A landing site for tobacco crop dusting planes
    b. A U.S. Army airfield
    c. One of the first airmail stations
  4. Between 1827 and 1829, over four hundred Irish immigrant laborers, many with families, came to Windsor and Suffield to construct a canal bypassing the Enfield Rapids. Once the canal was finished, the Irish left, leaving a few traces behind. One of the following is evidence of the Irish who worked on the canal. Which one?
    a. Graves located in the Old Center Cemetery behind the First Congregational Church
    b. Initials carved into the canal’s stone
    c. A stained-glass window in the First Congregational Church dedicated to the Irish workers who died while building the canal.
  5. In December 1921, Suffield colonial houses were featured in the White Pine Series of Architectural Monographs. The series was very popular and now considered a classic. It was sent to architects, architectural firms, public libraries and universities. Other than to feature beautiful homes and buildings, what was its purpose?
    a. Russell Whitehead, the editor, was looking for a job with a prestigious architectural firm. The series was his calling card.
    b. The series was the basis of an idea to form Sturbridge Village.
    c. It was an advertising campaign for the white pine industry, encouraging architects to use the wood as a building material.
  6. In 1870, John Lewis gave a historical address. In it he chided Suffield elders for missing opportunities which would have added to the town’s prosperity. What are the two lost opportunities he mentioned?
    a. Public housing for immigrants and factories
    b. A United States armory and a railroad line through the town
    c. An organized police force and a hospital
  7. The southern portion of the town was purchased by John Pynchon from a Native American known as Misnouasques aka Margery. The piece included land around the Enfield Rapids known as
    a. Lacowsick
    b. Waranaco
    c. Annisquam
  8. What is the current name of the road which was known as “Road across Rattlesnake Plain” in the early 1700s?
    a. Remington Road
    b. Taintor Street
    c. Ratley Road
  9. During the period shortly before and during the Revolution the Connecticut River Valley was known as
    a. America’s Breadbasket
    b. Indian Valley
    c. Shad Row
  10. In Connecticut, between 1708 until about 1740, an agreement known as the Act of Toleration was observed. What characterized this period?
    a. Indigenous people were allowed to live within colonial villages.
    b. So-called witches were tolerated but required to live outside the town boundaries.
    c. It was a period of relative religious freedom in which religious dissenters such as Quakers, Anglicans, Baptists were tolerated.


1. c. Brookside
2. b. 1990
3. b. A U.S. Army airfield
4. a. Graves
5. c. It was an advertising campaign.
6. b. A U.S. Armory and a railroad line. The Amory was placed in Springfield. The railroad line was placed on the east side of the Connecticut River.
7. a. Lacowsick
8. c. Ratley Road
9. a. America’s Breadbasket, due to the vast fields of grains that grew in the rich alluvial soils
10. c. It was a period of relative religious freedom.

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