Traffic Light Project Completed

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Photo by Lester Smith

Crews from Eversource and NY Conn are working on November 19 to complete the new traffic light project in Suffield Center.

It was a long delay, but the new, decorative pedestrian signal posts at the town center intersection were finally delivered, and all six were installed on the day before Veterans Day. The work crew also installed some of the wiring and the cameras that watch traffic to help control the light’s timing. (Reportedly, these cameras are not intended to identify and record individual vehicles.)

Two weeks later, the work resumed. Eversource came to do their share, and a large crew from NY Conn, the project’s contractor, completed the job. By the end of the day, November 19, the tattered plastic was removed, the new lights installed half a year ago were functioning, the old ones were gone, and the site appeared clean.

The project here was a part of a long-term Department of Transportation program to improve traffic conditions and safety at state highway intersections. The task in Suffield Center was in a group in the Bradley Airport region. The ongoing project in West Suffield center, now paused, is a separate contract.

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