Soon it would be too cool to pave, but the temperature in late October, 2021, provided the opportunity for one more batch of milling and repaving in a program that had gone on all summer. The photo shows the paving machine at work on Diane Lane in a batch that included Susan Drive and Jacqueline Circle as well, the 60-year old development of Mather Street. In this case, in addition to being renewed, the pavement was widened a bit to meet the current standard, and improved curbs were formed. The paving machine can be adjusted to various widths, and it could accommodate these streets in two passes.

Photo by Lester Smith
A reader asked the Observer how it was that the Town was sponsoring this project, as, he claimed, these roads had never been accepted by the Town. In fact, the Town sponsors the road maintenance on a number of private roads that serve large numbers of Suffieldians, including some roads near Lake Congamond in last year’s paving project.