I applaud Colin Moll and volunteers for organizing a Suffield Carnival. Event days are planned for June 17-19. Growing up in town, Suffield residents had a variety of entertainment throughout the year. There was the Polish Festival at St. Joseph’s Church. Fun rides, games of chance, bake sales and of course the Polka music under the big tent made the summer air on Friday and Saturday night come alive. The Firemen’s Carnival always kicked off with a parade of Suffield and other towns showing off their best firefighting equipment to the joy of boys and girls of all ages. The adults didn’t mind seeing where their tax dollars were being spent either! The carnival offered rides, games of chance, Bingo, and of course fireworks on Saturday night. The October Fest on the town green brought rides, great food, drink and band music.
Thousands turned out for the Town’s 350th Anniversary. The parade seemed endless, and the festivities continued at the Suffield Middle School. Suffield pride abounded that day, much like the festivities in 1970 for the 300th, complete with a speech by the most trusted newsman in America, Walter Cronkite.
All of these events brought townspeople together, family, friends and neighbors. In an era of such political and social division, we need more of these events and more volunteers to help make them happen. These events will bring a sense of pride and belonging to our community just the way our Memorial Day Parade does each and every year.