Happy May, Suffield!
The budget season is wrapping up. The Board of Finance has approved the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 budget with a slight decrease in the mill rate at 28.61.
Town Meeting to approve the budget is on May 11.
All are welcome. We will be using $2.1 million of our American Rescue Plan Funds on the following items this upcoming fiscal year:
- $500,000 to insurance fund to replace COVID expenses incurred by the town
- $750,000 to replace Beneski Field
- $100,000 down-payment for a new tanker truck
- $650,000 for pavement management
- $100,000 for Youth Services to provide programming for our town’s youth that have been affected by COVID
The use of these funds was recommended by our American Rescue Plan Committee and approved by the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance. Final approval will be held at the Town meeting to approve the budget. Thank you again to the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance, for their help and support throughout this process. I would also like to thank our retired Finance Director Debbie Cerrato for her help and staying on board after retirement to work on this with me.
I’ve spent a majority of my April shadowing all of our departments and getting the opportunity to see the day-to-day operations, while being able to hear and see from each department any needs, concerns, or ways to make things more efficient and streamlined. Thank you to every town employee and all my department heads for taking the time and allowing me to observe and learn. We, as a town, are very fortunate for the employees we have, and I can certainly say they all do a great job.
Keep an eye out around town for our Suffield Summer Fair posters! We are still looking for crafters, vendors, local businesses, and volunteers to join us, so please check out the website on our town page to sign up. If you are a local business and would like to display a Summer Fair poster, please reach out to the First Selectman’s office.
Work is well under way on the Mountain Road multi-use trail and is still on schedule for a mid-summer completion.
Please join me at noon, Friday May 13 at Babb’s Recreational Area for my first Friday with your First Selectman. Residents will have the opportunity to walk inside the Babb’s facility. I will be looking for recommendations as to what our residents would like to see the building used for. You will also have the opportunity to ask me questions or voice any concerns about anything going on in town.
I’d like to welcome two new members to our finance team. Resident Eric Remington, our new Finance Director and Kacy Colston, our new Town Treasurer who was nominated by the Board of Selectman in April. I look forward to working with both of them.
The Suffield 2022 PMC Kids Ride will be on Saturday, May 7. Bring out your kids and ride or show your support that day. Registration and donations can be made at kids.pmc.org/suffield.
On a final note: I have officially been the Town of Suffield’s First Selectman for just over 5 months now. Time flies when you’re having fun…. or just very busy. I would say a bit of both. I’ve had the opportunity and pleasure of meeting and working with a lot of our great residents. From those who volunteer their time for the betterment of this community, the employees, and the everyday residents, everybody has been helpful. I just want to say thank you for the overwhelming support and help from all members of this amazing town. I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect when I took this job, it’s certainly a day-by-day process (or night-by-night with so many meetings), but one thing I am certain of is that there are so many great people that care and are involved, and I would just like to say, thank you. If you have yet to meet me, please, stop by Town Hall anytime during the week and say hello.