A highlight of the summer season, Suffield Garden Club is presenting a garden tour, “Celebrating Summer Gardens,” on July 16 from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Five private gardens about town and the gardens of the historic Hatheway House and Hilltop Farm will be open to visitors. The tour will feature unique gardens, such as a glorious two-acre property with walls of towering twelve-foot hydrangeas and hundreds of juniper, yew and boxwood. Walk about a five-acre property with gardens complemented with flea market finds and lots of imagination. Visit a three-quarter acre property with features that include a garden with a 5-foot apple tree, a 16-foot squirrel-proof birdhouse and a special fireplace and pergola. Hatheway’s sixty-year-old perennial garden will be in brilliant bloom, and Hilltop’s gardens will show you what plants to use to benefit butterflies and birds. Don’t miss this tour!
Advance tickets are $15 and may be purchased at suffieldgardenclub.org, Suffield Hardware, Kent Memorial Library, or 860-706-9929. On the day of the event, tickets are $20 and will be available only at Hatheway House, 55 South Main Street.