Selected from the pages of the Windsor Locks Journal and lightly annotated by Wendy Taylor, Kent Memorial Library
October 6
The annual town election held Monday was devoid of excitement, the vote being less than two-thirds of the number registered. The women’s organizations were on hand from the opening of the polls until the vote was counted and had their own fleets of cars to bring in the voters. As the Colonists took their hands from the plow to fight for American independence, the New England women as resolutely took their hands from the suds to sustain American institutions and traditions – they did credit to themselves and the parties with which they are affiliated…
It was voted to place a new streetlight at the junction of the Mapleton road and the road to Thompsonville, …
A resolution was passed authorizing repairs to the large elm tree in front of the home of George Nichols on Main street, the cost of said repairs not to exceed $200…
An inquiry by one of the women voters as to whether or not the annual town meeting could not be postponed until Tuesday, in order that it might not be hampered by the time honored institution of American women which comes every Monday and is called wash-day, was also settled by Mr. Alcorn, who said that it would require an act of the General Assembly to make the change.
The Suffield Post of the American Legion held its first annual banquet Monday evening at Van Wormer’s restaurant, where an elaborate dinner was served. The guest of the evening was State’s Attorney Alcorn, who recently returned from a visit to the battlefields of France, who gave a patriotic talk.
October 13
The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Second Baptist church will give an Autumn bazaar in the vestry of the church…There will be a sale of fancy and domestic articles.
October 20
The new dam at Brookside in Boston Neck has been completed and the pond has filled. The dam is built of concrete and adds much to the natural beauty of its surroundings.
The sixth, seventh and eighth grades at the Center school gave a surprise party to Miss White, sixth grade teacher… Miss White was presented with a silver mesh bag.
October 27
“Grumpy,” a magnificent cock pheasant, that had given pleasure to many in this parades across the open lot opposite the residence of H. S. Pomroy in Boston Neck, has joined the birds of paradise, being bagged by a hunter Monday morning. Automobiles and trolley cars had stopped many times to watch the bird this fall and Monday morning a car stopped for a minute or two that the passengers might see the bird, which was nearly as large as a peacock.
“Grumpy,” who was so called on account of a fretful petulant call which he gave when a person came too close, was liberated with eight other pheasants three years ago, the last week in October. For two or three weeks he had a lively time in keeping away from the hunters that were after him as soon as he was liberated. After the hunting season closed he was located in a clump of briars near where liberated and was fed during the winter months. The following summer he disappeared and did not return to the briar patch until the first fall of snow, when he announced by loud and frequent cries that he was hungry. That winter he was much less wild and at times would come for the grain thrown up on the snow before the person who fed him was out of sight.
A committee representing the different churches of the town met in the chapel of the Suffield School Tuesday evening to consider the advisability of organizing a troop of Boy Scouts in this town.