Starting with the high school, sports are back in full swing. On October 3 at 3:45 p.m., JV and Varsity Boys soccer had games against Northwest Catholic, and at 5 and 6 p.m., JV and Varsity girls’ volleyball had games against Bolton.
In college news, Eastern Connecticut State University, St. Anselm College and Emory University had visits in the commons during lunch for interested students.
Throughout the month of October, art teacher Mr. Kudrle hosted a month-long art challenge called Inktober, in which students could join the Google Classroom page and create drawings based on a daily prompt relating to the month of October. The works were displayed as an Inktober art show at the end of the month.
On October 18, there was an induction ceremony for new World Language Honor Society members in the media center.
In middle school news, the field hockey team had a game against Kennedy Middle School on October 4, and cross country competed against Windsor Locks. Eighth graders took their class panoramic picture on Tuesday, October 11. This picture will go in their yearbook at the end of the year as a way to commemorate their three years as middle schoolers before making the transition to high school.
In other news, auditions for the middle school’s annual variety show took place on October 12 and the 13. The art club began meeting on Monday, October 24, and will meet every other Monday following that date.