1. In February 2001, Mary Anne Zak wrote about Annie Sullivan, teacher to Helen Keller. As a young girl, Annie had lived in a close-by town. Pick which town from the following choices.
a. Windsor
b. Simsbury
c. Agawam
2. A 1992 archaeological survey dig which was done on the grounds of the Phelps Hatheway House uncovered a major trash deposit from the time that Oliver Phelps lived in the house (1788-1802). An analysis of the 4,000 animal bone fragments that were found determined what meat the Phelps ate. What do you think?
a. 40% chicken, 35% beef, 15% pork, 10% fish
b. 50% beef, 25% pork, 20% veal/mutton, 5% chicken
c. 70% beef, 20% pork, 10% veal/mutton
3. In July/August 2001, Joanne Nielson wrote about The West Suffield Center District Improvement Association which met for the first time in March 1903. It still exists and currently owns Academy Hall across from the West Suffield Fire Department on Mountain Road. Choose which of the following activities that the Association did in its early years.
a. Organized a volunteer fire company
b. Determined the location of telephone poles on Ratley Road
c. Planted trees
4. In the same issue as the previous question, Lester Smith wrote about an unusual event which took place in Suffield on July 4, 1863. What was it?
a. Ex-Confederate soldiers pledged their support for the abolitionist cause.
b. A hot air balloon landed in the town.
c. A demonstration of the recently invented fire hydrant cooled off a multitude of children in the center of town during a hot summer day.
5. For many years, Lyle Pearsons and Margie Secora, former teachers in the Suffield school system, ran a successful theatre and drama camp for children. Mr. Pearsons wrote about their endeavors in the September 2001 issue. What were the names of the theater and camp?
a. The Little Theatre and the Barnstormers
b. The Red Door Theatre and STAGE
c. The Palace and the Playhouse
6. The Observer reported an alarming statistic about Suffield high school students in a February 2002 article written by Johanne Presser. What was it?
a. 32% of the students felt depressed in 2001
b. 10% of the 2000 class dropped out before graduation
c. One in four students is bullied
7. In an article on Suffield Academy, Kaitlin Thomas reported the number of international students who were enrolled in 2001/02. What was the number of students and from how many countries?
a. 62 students from 15 countries
b. 35 students from 20 countries
c. 98 students from 50 countries
8. Joanne Nielson raved about the church supper she attended at the West Suffield Congregational Church in February 2002. In the article she inserted some church history. Which statement below is not correct?
a. The church suppers started in approximately 1920 by Mrs. Minnie Adams Leahey
b. The West Suffield Congregational Church is the oldest church building in town
c. Joanne attended a strawberry supper
9. An organization in town was preparing to celebrate its 100th year anniversary in 2003 as reported by Claudia Hepner in March 2002. What is the institution?
a. The Senior Center
b. The Emergency Aid Association
c. Suffield Woman’s Club
10. In March 2002, Lester Smith wrote about a Suffield farm which produces flowers. It is still in business. What is the name of the farm and where is it located?
a. Pentimento located on Main Street.
b. Willow View Farm on Sheldon Street
c. Pleasant Valley Glads and Dahlias on North Grand Street
1. c. Agawam, near Feeding Hills center
2. c. 70% beef, 20% pork, 10% veal/mutton. A wealthy family’s diet.
3. The Association did all of the activities
4. b. A hot air balloon, named the Constitution, landed in town. It was launched in Hartford during the city’s grand celebration for the 4th of July
5. b. The Red Door Theatre and STAGE (Student Theatre Arts Group Enterprises)
6. b. 10% of the 2000 class dropped out before graduation. Recommended steps toward keeping potential drop-outs in school included identifying the students at risk of dropping out, helping them with their studies and providing alternative high school programs.
7. a. 62 students from 15 countries
8. Answer c. is not correct. Joanne did not attend a Strawberry Supper, on the menu were spaghetti and meatballs.
9. b. The Emergency Aid Association, now called Suffield Community Aid. Its initial mission was to lend sick room equipment and provide nursing care to those in need. Today the role of this organization has expanded and encompasses services to larger economic and age groups.
10. Pleasant Valley Glads and Dahlias on North Grand Street