Second Baptist News

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Come and visit with members of Second Baptist Church at their booth at Suffield on the Green, September 9 and 10. We will have games, prizes, and crafts that children will love. See you there!

After several weeks worshipping with our neighbors at the historic First Baptist Church, Sunday worship services will resume in our sanctuary at 100 North Main Street on Sunday, September 10 at 10 a.m. Please join us for worship and communion.

Welcome Back Sunday – September 17 at 10:00 am. Come join us as we officially begin the program year. We welcome The Hot Cat Jazz Band as they will lead the music during the worship service. To learn more about Second Baptist Church and our many programs join us after the church service for a special Fellowship Time.


A group, Lectio Divina, is planning to start up again in the fall. What is Lectio Divina? It is Latin for “divine reading” or “sacred reading”. It describes a way of prayerfully reading the Scriptures whereby we gradually let go of our own agenda and open ourselves to what God wants to say to us. Because each week will be self-contained there is no pressure to commit to several consecutive weeks of study.

During the month of October, members of Second Baptist Church’s Spiritual Formation Mission, will facilitate the first of several small group discussions entitled, “ The Contemplative Life”. Each month, we’ll spend time reflecting, discovering and sharing our individual journeys, as we move toward living more intentionally and spiritually. Start date, time and participation details will be shared during our Welcome Back Sunday on September 17.

Contact the church office ( or 860-668-1661) if you are interested in participating in any of the above opportunities. Dates and additional information for these and other activities/opportunities at the church will also be published on as well as our Facebook and Instagram sites.

Have you wondered about Baptist beliefs and traditions? If so, please contact the church office at or 860-668-1661 to set up an appointment with Pastor Justin.

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