Suffield’s Municipal Election will be held on Tuesday, November 7 from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the Middle School Gymnasium, 350 Mountain Road.
Please register to vote online at, by mail or in-person at the Town Hall. You may verify your voter registration status using the Voter Registration Lookup Tool online at If you are registered to vote, your political party affiliation and polling place location will appear on the screen.
The Registrars of Voters’ office will be open on Tuesdays. The Town Clerk’s office will be open Monday thru Thursday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you have questions please call 860-668-3850 or 860-668-3880.
Voter Registration sessions will be held in the Registrars of Voters Office on the second floor of the town hall on:
- Tuesday, October 31 – from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. This date is the deadline for online and mail-in voter registrations (
- Monday, November 6 – a limited voter registration session will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for those whose qualification as to age, citizenship or residence was attained since October 31 and for servicemen.
- Tuesday, November 7 – Election Day Registration will be held at the Town Hall from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the Registrar’s Office on the second floor.
All voters, with or without disabilities, may vote privately and independently on Election Day. The IVS Ballot Marking System makes this possible. The system is easy to use and was designed to allow all voters to vote privately, with or without physical disabilities. Voters have a choice to either see their ballot on a screen or to listen to what is on their ballot through earphones. Voters also have four different options to make their ballot selections;
1) by tapping a tablet screen,
2) pressing keys on a key pad,
3) clicking a Jelly Bean Button, or
4) using a Sip ‘n’ Puff device.
The ballot marking system simply takes instruction from the voter and relays that information to a printer which places a solid black oval on the voter’s ballot by their selections. The voter’s ballot is fed into the printer and the printer does the marking. The voter reviews the markings and if satisfied feeds their ballot into the tabulator.
Voting methods available for Suffield’s voters.
1) Absentee ballot voting for eligible voters: regular absentee balloting, supervised absentee balloting, emergency absentee balloting and permanently physically disabled absentee balloting.
2) Polling place voting options are: paper ballots completed by hand at a privacy booth then inserted into the tabulator, or completed using the ballot marking system then ballot is inserted into the tabulator; or curbside voting for those temporarily incapacitated where elector is allowed to complete their ballot in their car.
Connecticut uses AccuVote-OS Optical Scan Systems to tabulate ballots. This equipment reads any color markings except red. Ballot ovals filled in with black, blue, or green pencil, pen or felt tip marker will be read by the scanner.