Friendly Visitor and Friendly Caller Program: SCA is seeking volunteers to help us revitalize our Friendly Visitor and Friendly Caller Program. Volunteers must be 21+ years of age and are able to commit to at least six months of providing social support for an older adult or adult with disabilities in Suffield. Volunteers will be matched and trained by SCA staff. CPR/First Aid training will be required of Friendly Visitor volunteers, who are not currently certified. To learn more, please call SCA at (860) 668-1986 or email Stephanie Silva at
To Be a Recipient: We are also recruiting recipients of the Friendly Visitor and Friendly Caller Program. If you or a loved one would enjoy the company of a friendly volunteer on a recurring basis, please call SCA at (860) 668-1986 or email Stephanie Silva at Please note that volunteers are not a substitute for a caregiver or hired helper.
Are You in Need of a Little Holiday Cheer? Apply for the SCA’s Holiday Basket Program: The SCA is coordinating the Holiday Basket Program for financially qualified Suffield residents. Residents wishing to receive help for the holidays are encouraged to call SCA at 860-668-1986.
Stay Warm This Winter! – We are Taking Applications for the CT Energy Assistance Program: These government programs help offset the winter heating costs for financially eligible households. Please contact SCA to apply at 860-668-1986. More information on eligibility is available at
Medicare Open Enrollment Ends December 7: Thinking about changing plans? Are You Confused about your Medicare options? Perhaps you are turning 65 soon… Meet with a trained CHOICES Medicare counselor to explore what’s best for you. Volunteers provide unbiased telephone assistance. Call 860-668-1986 to schedule a consultation.
SCA Seeks Residents for Priority Emergency Response List: We are updating our list of residents who would benefit from a check-up call during a town or state-wide emergency. Residents who use oxygen, or need electricity for medical equipment, are strongly encouraged to call. All information gathered is for confidential use in the event of an emergency as declared by the First Selectman. Please contact SCA at 860-668-1986.
Some Ongoing Programs and Updates
Parkinson’s Peer Support Group at SCA: Our next two meetings are scheduled for December 12 and January 9 at Suffield Community Aid from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Please call Danielle to RSVP. A pizza lunch and light refreshments will be served.
Social Service Consultations at Kent Memorial Library: Pat Beeman, M.S.W., holds office hours the third Tuesday of the month at the KML. Residents wishing to schedule a consultation for December 21 or January 18 can register online by going to If you prefer to come to the office, call 860-668-1986.
Would You Benefit from Clinical Counseling Support? SCA is financially partnering to provide counseling for residents who are experiencing challenges and seeking the help of a licensed therapist. SCA can assist with the cost of co-pays for folks with insurance. For those without insurance, free, limited counseling sessions will be covered. Call 860-668-1986.