Suffield Winter Farmer’s Market

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The Suffield Winter Farmer’s Market “December Holiday Edition” is teaming up again with the Agriscience program. Always fun and festive, the Market offers lots of holiday items with the Agriscience students offering their wreaths, décor and crafts, and local farmers selling their produce as well as crafts from local artisans. This year Suffield organizations – Trees for Suffield, Sustainable Suffield, Suffield Booster Club and All Things Suffield will have information and items to sell.

Saturday December 2 is the date, and the hours are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The Market is held indoors at the Large Animal Facility (LAF) in the northeast corner of the high school parking lot (behind the green house) at 1060 Sheldon Street in West Suffield. This means shoppers and vendors can do business in a great area with easy access and parking. There will be over twenty vendors this time joining in with the students. It’s a great way to beautify your home while supporting the Agriscience program here in Town. Many have supported this great sale in the past and enjoyed the local holiday spirit. If you are coming for the first time you are in for a treat!

Check out our Facebook page for a list of vendors and more details.

Let’s use local vegetables, fruit, eggs, honey, baked goods, jams, herbs, plants and craft items during the winter months, buying local and supporting our farmers and Agriscience students.

For more information please contact Ellie Binns at Suffield Planning and Zoning (860)668-3848 or

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