Selected from the pages of the Windsor Locks Journal and lightly annotated by Wendy Taylor, Kent Memorial Library.
February 1
To-morrow will be Candlemas day. Should the ground hog see his shadow, tradition says, he returns for six weeks more of snow and ice. Dandelion blossoms have been found in sheltered places nearly every week of the winter, though not in sufficient quantities for household use, and the winter as a whole has been livable and lovable.
The cold weather of the first of the week thickened the ice on the ponds considerably and the dealers and farmers have been busy the past few days putting in ice for the summer’s use. The ice is from 7 to 10 inches thick.
Owing to the discontinuance of the trolley, this town now receives its mail from Windsor Locks by automobile.
Bills for personal taxes have been mailed by the selectmen to those liable in this town. Over 1600 notices were mailed and the taxes are due and payable February 1st.
February 8
The local fire company is making arrangements with the West Suffield firemen for a card tournament. Setback will be played.
The public school closed at 3 o’clock Wednesday afternoon in memory of the funeral service of Ex-President Woodrow Wilson.
Lost: Bank Book No. 6485 on the Suffield Savings Bank has been lost and payment on the same stopped. If found, please return the book to the Bank or the undersigned owner. William Kasulinous.
February 15
There has been considerable activity in the real estate market in this town during the past two or three months. A number of farms have changed hands and several sales have been reported of residential property. In spite of poor seasons and unfortunate storms and other setbacks, the lure of the tobacco farm cannot be denied.
February 22
A special town meeting will be held… to see what action the town will take in providing funds for buying a site and building the new schoolhouse voted at the meeting in December. There are three plans available…The cost of the proposed school is estimated at $105,000. There are many different opinions as to how the expense should be met, but all are unanimous in agreeing that the new school is necessary.
A bunch of Suffield hunters had a fox hunt on the West Suffield mountiain…but they got more exercise than the foxes. A notorious “swill hound” belonging to one of the hunters led the party a merry chase finally running down an empty sardine can.
There has been considerable sickness in town the past week or two and the physicians have bene busy attending to colds and kindred ailments.
February 29
A new street, extending from Bridge street to Day avenue has been proposed by some of the residents of the Center. The proposed street would start near the west corner of the Episcopal church property, recently acquired by the town, and run to a point east of the residence of Charles S. Spencer on Day avenue. It is claimed that the available building sites near the center of the town have all been taken, and that the new street would open up a considerable number of lots that would find a ready sale. There are a number of abutting property owners along the proposed street, most of whom it is said are willing to have the street cut through.
Charles Jackson has sold his farm on North street to a Polish man, who has taken possession. Mr. Jackson has bought a farm in Southwick, but the dwelling house was recently burned down and he has moved with his family into the dwelling house of Frank Hastings in this place, to occupy it until he can rebuild, which he expects to do in the early spring.