On a mild December weekend night, scouts from Cub Scout Pack 266 visited older scouts from BSA Troops 260 and 262 for a Christmas in the Woods. While the older patrols prepared delicious desserts and side dishes, like kielbasa with a fine grape jelly reduction sauce, and apple crisp, the Cub Scouts practiced fire building skills without using a match. Webelos successfully lit their tinder piles with nothing more than a ferro rod and determination.

Presents awaiting Suffield Scouts under the tree.
It is important for the older Cub Scouts to practice these skills because come April 2024, they will officially cross over into their older troops and put these skills to the test.
By the time scouts finished their skill building exercises, a feast had been laid before them by the skilled adult cooks.
The world’s most tender beef stew, ham, homemade breads and a bucket of mashed potatoes were consumed around the fire under the light of lanterns. Afterwards presents were passed out from under the Christmas tree. By bedtime all bellies were full as the scouts tucked themselves away into their tents and wilderness survival shelters.
Cub Scouts is a co-ed program for youth aged 5-10 that teaches about citizenship, outdoor skills and personal safety.
Interested parties can contact us SuffieldCubScouts@gmail.com or visit us online at CubScoutPack266.com.