What does the VFW do? Though we are no longer wearing our nation’s uniform, we still have a mission. That mission is to foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all veterans. And, we accomplish our mission with the effort of devoted members and supporters of our Post through various local and national programs.
We are proud to announce we will be awarding two one-time $2,000 academic scholarships to graduating seniors in pursuit of a college or trade school education. Applicants must be a Suffield resident or an immediate relative of a VFW Post 9544 member. The applicant must submit a one-page application and a hand-written five hundred word essay on their interpretation of the meaning of Americanism. The application can be picked up at the Post at 972 Sheldon Street or requested by email at suffieldvfw9544@gmail.com.
On the first and third Thursday of each month, Eddie Gautier, an Army veteran of the Global War on Terror, hosts Soldiers Songs and Voices. Eddie is a devoted and talented musician who uses the medium of music to help veterans turn their stories into songs through music education, and community-based outreach. Veterans with any interest in music are encouraged to join Eddie for free music and songwriting sessions as a form of post-conflict care.
The Landry-Sic Post 9544 Veterans of Foreign Wars will hold a BINGO NIGHT in our main hall on March 30 at 6 p.m. Seating is limited; please call, text or go online using the QR code to buy your tickets right away. Proceeds go to benefit the Post and veterans’ relief.
If you know of a veteran in need, please contact the Post; 860-758-5174.