Attracting Birds, Bees and Butterflies in your Yard

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Photo by Betty Sanders
Master Gardener Betty Sanders to present in Suffield

“There is no better way to wake than to birdsong, and no better insecticide than a hungry bird.” So says Betty Sanders, Master Gardener and landscaper. Betty will be sharing tips for bringing more lovely creatures into your yard at her presentation at the April 1 meeting of the Suffield Garden Club.

Betty has a lifetime of gardening experience and has succeeded in turning most of her own yard into an organic habitat for birds, bees and butterflies. “A purist will look at my gardening practices and say that I’m not organic. That purist would be correct!” says Betty. “I’m about 95% organic. That last five percent is a thoughtful recognition that, sometimes, “inorganic” solutions are both appropriate and non-harmful to the environment. It’s the same advice that I give when I speak and when I work with clients.”

Betty lectures widely, including at the Boston Public Library, Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Tower Hill Botanic Garden, the USDA, and at numerous garden clubs, libraries and civic groups. She holds Lifetime Master Gardener status with the Massachusetts Master Gardener Association.

Admission is free and guests are welcome.Presentation: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., Monday April 1, Second Baptist Church at Fellowship Hall. Tp become a member visit www.Suffield Garden

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