Suffield Woman’s Club Generosity
Members of the Suffield Woman’s Club were busy this past holiday season.
The Suffield Observer (
Members of the Suffield Woman’s Club were busy this past holiday season.
On Monday, December 2, the Suffield Garden Club will host “Embracing Winter’s Beauty” with Willow and Moss owner Ahrayah Julian.
Every Connecticut school child knows the story of The Charter Oak, an enormous white oak tree in Hartford that safely hid Connecticut’s Royal Charter from the English governor-general in 1687.
On October 7, Suffield business owner Tracey Trombley, passionate owner of The Plant Lounge, will present “Paws and Plants: Ensuring Pet Safety with Indoor Houseplants.”
The Suffield Garden Club strives to bring natural beauty and relevant horticultural information to our town.
As you passed through Suffield and West Suffield in early May, did the bright, happy faces of thousands of daffodils catch your eye?
The Suffield Garden Club Memorial fund was thrilled to present three awards to graduating Agriscience seniors on May 16.
When you see the merry yellow and white striped tents next to the Hatheway House barn, you know it’s time for May Market!
There is no better way to wake than to birdsong, and no better insecticide than a hungry bird.
When my husband and I moved back to Suffield from New York in 2014, we were delighted to return to nature and enjoy the local wildlife.