This year’s upcoming FY 24/25 budget has been approved by the Board of Finance and will be presented and voted on May 8, 7 p.m. at the Middle School. Thank you to all of those involved for your long hours and hard work: Board of Finance, Board of Selectmen, Board of Education, and Department Heads. The general government/selectman’s budget will be an increase of only 1.21% ($219,605) and this is a summary of the major drivers:
- Community Services – $133,084: Includes 2 full-time positions: 1 in Parks and Rec and 1 for the Senior Center which was previously a shared part-time position. We’ve added $5,000 in programming for Youth Services, Senior Center, and Parks and Recreation. An expected revenue increase of $120,000 will offset most of this entire expense.
- Finance – $68,844: Increased salary for the Finance Director position, along with turning the Asst. Finance Director position into a full-time position.
- Elections – $47,156: Due to early voting mandates, the budget has nearly doubled for this department as more employees are needed to work in order to cover the 10-14 days of early voting.
- Public Utilities – $74,746: Trash collection, Fire hydrant, and electricity costs.
- Medical Insurance – ($200,000) savings.
- Police Department – $67,460: Mostly contractual wage increases.
Overall, we’ve added multiple new full-time and part-time positions for departments including two part-time fire fighters, significantly increased our Department Head wages, and added programmatic funding to departments providing services to the general public at just over a 1% increase which is mostly offset by additional revenue.
The Town of Suffield recently received just under $1,000,000 in federal funding for a Water Pollution Control Authority project. Thanks to Congressman Joe Courtney for his work on ensuring this went into the last federal budget package.
The Permanent Building Commission has been tasked by the Board of Selectmen to further review the recommendations and results from the Facilities Master Plan. Their analysis and recommendations should give us a better vision for the work and planning that will need to be done to our town facilities.
The Board of Selectmen is currently looking for volunteers to join the newly formed Charter Revision Commission. The CRC will be tasked with primarily reviewing moving elected employee roles to a hired position. These jobs would include Tax Collector, Town Clerk, Treasurer, and possibly the First Selectman position to a Town Manager role.
Work has already started on the new cold storage building next to the Town garage by CVS.
We’ve officially brought back the “Take it or Leave it” at the Landfill on Saturdays. In order to make the experience and logistics work for all, please do not sit up there the entire morning as there is not enough space.
The installation of an irrigation system out by Cervione field will officially begin July 1.
Planning for the 3rd Annual Suffield Summer Fair is well underway. The dates this year are June 21,22, and 23 with the fireworks show being moved to Saturday night instead of Friday.
Check out and sign up for our May events held by Community Services and the Library which include events like the Sock Hop and Family Day at Storrs Adventure Parks.
Our Sustainable Suffield Task Force is holding a town-wide Tag Sale on May 11. Sign up online to add your house to the map and read more details about it.
The Economic Development Commission is hosting an Art Walk on May 18. Visit our Town website for more details.
Don’t forget to join me every 1st and 3rd Friday at 8:30 a.m. at Café Barista for my First Selectman Coffee Hours.
Enjoy the spring weather and as always, my door is always open.