Garden Club’s Educational Programs Will Delight and Inform

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The Suffield Garden Club strives to bring natural beauty and relevant horticultural information to our town. How appropriate that the Club’s first educational program of the season will feature Suffield business owner Tracey Trombley, passionate proprietor of The Plant Lounge, a charming shop in the Suffield Village. Tracey will present “Paws and Plants: Ensuring Pet Safety with Indoor Houseplants.” Her engaging program will guide you through the best practices for selecting and caring for houseplants that are non-toxic to your furry friends. Her presentation will be October 7 at 12 noon in the Fellowship Hall at the Second Baptist Church.

Equally appropriate given the popular Trees for Suffield project is November’s program: “Connecticut’s Notable Trees” with speaker Frank Kaputa. Frank will introduce the Connecticut Notable Trees project, share its history, and explain what makes a tree notable in our state, including trees in Suffield. Frank’s presentation will be held on November 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the Kent Memorial Library.

Photo submitted by Suffield Garden Club
Jess McCue of Green Machine highlighted the importance of using native plants to attract birds and pollinators at one of last season’s programs.

Eight programs are on the 2024-25 calendar. Watch for announcements regarding other programs, including December 2nd “Embracing Winter’s Beauty” with Willow and Moss owner Ahrayah Julian, and January’s “Naturescaping Your Yard” with Karen Bussolini.

The Suffield Garden Club, organized in 1934, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the beautification of Suffield. New members are welcome! Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month. To see updates and photos, follow us on Facebook. To become a member or see the full calendar, visit

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