Second Baptist Church News

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Second Baptist Church Starts Up New Program Year! Join us for worship and communion in our sanctuary on Sunday, September 8 at 10 a.m.

Come and visit with members of Second Baptist Church at their booth at Suffield on the Green, September 7 and 8. We will have games, prizes, and crafts that children will love. See you there!!!

Welcome Back Sunday – September 15 at 10 a.m. Join us as we officially begin the program year. The Hot Cat Jazz Band will lead the music during the worship service. To learn more about Second Baptist Church and our many programs, join us after the church service for a special Fellowship Time.

You are welcome to join us in our Fellowship Hall on September 29 at 10 a.m. for a special “Coffee House Worship Service”. We will look back at old photos and memories as Barry Sisk shares a moment about American Baptist History.

Opportunities for strengthening and sharing our faith and Biblical knowledge occur through several small group opportunities:

  • Sundays – 9 a.m. – Meditation, Reflection and Prayer. This is a quiet time for individuals to come together to meditate, read, journal and pray – an opportunity to try out individual spiritual practices, but surrounded by others providing communal support.
  • Special Needs Fellowship – Monday, September 9, 6:30 p.m. This is an outreach program for our friends with cognitive limitations to give them a safe environment for crafts, singing, and fellowship.
  • Soup Kitchen Ministry – Saturday, September 14. Serving a meal for anyone in need at the Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen at South Congregational Church in Springfield, Mass. If you would like to participate, please call the church office at 860-668-1661.
  • Pub Theology – September 25, 6 p.m. at Three Figs Restaurant.

This is a space to dive deeply into topics involving faith, meaning, identity, culture, politics, and more! Come bring your questions and your curiosity and pull up a chair. Be ready to engage with people of varying religious traditions, philosophical perspectives, and life experiences.

Want to get to know our Pastor? Rev. Justin Cox regularly contributes to several publications, including the Christian Citizen, Good Faith Media, and Baptist News Global. He also writes and rambles on his blog, His reflections and opinions are his own.

Contact the church office ( or 860-668-1661) if you are interested in participating in any of the above opportunities. Additional information for these and other activities/opportunities at the church is available on, along with our Facebook and Instagram sites. On the website, there are links for the Sunday morning bulletin and Weekly Wednesday Write-Ups with upcoming events and updates on the various ministries in the congregation. There is also a link to the church’s YouTube channel for you to participate in past Sunday services.

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