Town News You Might Not Know

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Too busy to look up what’s going on in town? This article covers selected information from various Town Boards and Commissions. If you want more detail, it can be found by going to, Agendas, Minutes and Recordings.

Board of Education: Succession planning for the Accounting Coordinator position has begun. Food Service staffing remains an issue and free breakfast is not expected, resulting in a revenue reduction. The outstanding balance for lunch charges stands at $12,000 and they continue to pursue recovering those funds. M&J Transportation was working on bus routes. With 25 credits needed to graduate, students will need 18.5 credits by the end of their Junior year to be eligible for Senior privileges; an increase from 18.

The SHS Library Media Specialist, 1-year Social Worker, and SMS Math Interventionist positions have been filled.

Board of Selectmen: The idea of sharing access to parks and pools with Windsor Locks was questioned. Concern was expressed about taxpayers’ money being used to hire additional employees and added security; not to mention traffic issues. A suggestion was made to build a pool at the former Bridge Street School site. The motion to approve the Mutual Use of Recreational Areas agreement with the Town of Windsor Locks passed unanimously. They feel an increase in costs is not expected and indicated that the agreement will be reviewed annually.

Conservation Commission: A re-subdivision on Newgate Road with no construction proposed at this time will be on the agenda on August 27th. The Parks Superintendent has a new used truck given to him by the highway department. The highway department is also making additional signs for the park that address bringing pets to the park. Utilizing gatekeepers on the weekends is working out well. A discussion followed on the proposed agreement with Windsor Locks allowing Windsor Locks residents into Babb’s Beach and Sunrise Park for free. In return, Suffield residents are allowed to use the pools in Windsor Locks for free.

Design Review Board: The Board approved a request from Francesco’s Restaurant for a new front patio with columns and walls for outdoor dining. They also approved a request from Karenough Crafts & Boutique for an awning/sign.

Permanent Building Commission: The commission began their tour and review of the Spaulding Elementary School’s parking lot, paving, granite curbing and sidewalks. Throughout the tour, concerns were expressed with the condition of certain areas of the brickwork, windows, caulking/sealing around the windows and the surrounding trim work. An additional area of concern was the “portable” building on the backside of the school, which is approximately 40 years old and is no longer being utilized as a learning space. The second part of the tour included a walk-through of the school’s interior spaces. The commission members observed classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, the gymnasiums, the cafeteria and the basement. They evaluated the plumbing, the mechanicals, the electrical and the general interior areas to determine what type of site improvements may be necessary.

Police Commission: The current fleet is being maintained; however, the Tahoes are experiencing significant oil loss. Three Explorers have been ordered along with the emergency equipment. Continuing updates to their webpage provide greater access to Department info. They are looking into an interactive section for crime/crash/motor vehicle and other operational information.

Veteran’s Memorial: Representatives of the Sibbil Dwight Kent Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) spoke to the Committee and referenced a document previously sent. It listed approximately forty-four Revolutionary War Patriots whose names are not on the Suffield Memorial. Since the 250th anniversary of the Revolutionary War is approaching, they felt it was important to bring those names to the Committee’s attention and have them added to the Veterans Memorial. It was explained that the Memorial goes back to World War I and the request would need town approval.

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