Town News You Might Not Know

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Town Meeting: Did you attend the August 29 Town Meeting? If not, here’s what you missed: The right of way ordinance, amendments to town ordinances regarding waiver of property taxes, the farm building exemption ordinance and removal of the zoning & subdivision regulations in chapters 310 & 315 from the town ordinances were all approved. The proposed blight ordinance failed on a show-of-hands vote and proposed amendments to chapter 159 that added to the building construction ordinance were tabled. Want to know more? Visit the Town’s website.

Board of Education: The district plan focuses on fewer items to be worked on intensely and accomplished. Critical items will be revisited throughout the year. Classroom drop-ins are critical for a broader view of instructional strategies and improvements. The Assistant Superintendent indicated that continuing a multi-tiered support system is a priority. Questions were raised about how it works for social-emotional learning as tiered learning shows a decrease in Special Education numbers.

Board of Selectmen: There was discussion and approval of a tax abatement of $4,805.37 due to overpayment, a change to the Waiver of Property Tax from $25 to $5, the Department of Public Works Union Contract, and the Master Municipal Agreement for Rights of Way Projects from the State of Connecticut. The Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan was also discussed along with ramifications for not participating.

The Charter Revision changes and maintenance progress such as irrigation, parking lot paving, and the Facilities Master Plan were discussed. Also, America’s 250th Celebration discussion planning for 2026 is in its early stages.

Charter Revision Commission: There was considerable discussion regarding the Permanent Building Commission and the Public Works Department relating to roles and responsibilities. Elected versus appointed positions were also discussed. If the positions remain elected, there should be provisions allowing removal for cause. One member felt the current town government can be confusing and suggested consideration of a Town Manager versus a First Selectman. Legal input was added to the discussion.

Conservation Commission: A motion was approved to pipe the open ditch on Cassotta Lane after conferring with the Town Engineer. The handling of erosion issues on Silver Creek and the pig enclosure, fencing, and manure composting at 1500 Hill Street are also under discussion. Re-subdivision requests on River Boulevard and Newgate Road have been submitted for review.

Historic District Commission: Miscellaneous renovations at 419 N. Main Street were approved. The renovations planned for 257 N. Main Street were approved with a re-submission that includes the changes discussed. The proposed patio application for Francesco’s was accepted with stipulations to be included in the permanent record. A shed demolition request at 523 N. Main Street was tabled.

Parks and Recreation Commission: A suggestion was made to put the decision about the Bridge Street Property to a vote by the townspeople, so they are aware of the estimated cost of $2.2M. Many requirements such as bathrooms, electric service, safety lights, a pavilion and a skating rink were also discussed.

The agreement between Windsor Locks and Suffield allows town residents to use their pool. A resident has tried to use the pool on three occasions; however, it was closed due to the lack of lifeguards. The issue is being discussed.

Police Commission: There have been several drone uses, including requests from other agencies. A $32k grant was received to start a K-9 program and will be selecting a handler.

Veterans Memorial Expansion Committee: A document displaying the CAD drawing including all approved names was submitted to Rogers Memorial. Lights and mulching around the monument were discussed and will require a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Historic District Commission. Completion is expected by Veteran’s Day.

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