Every Connecticut school child knows the story of The Charter Oak, an enormous white oak tree in Hartford that safely hid Connecticut’s Royal Charter from the English governor-general in 1687.

One of Suffield’s Notable Trees is the “Burbank Sycamore” at the Phelps-Hatheway House on South Main Street.
Although the oak was blown down by a violent storm on August 21, 1856, its timber was made into several chairs now displayed in the Hartford Capitol Building, and its acorns were planted across the state.
Trees have been revered by Native Americans and early Connecticut settlers for hundreds of years, and our appreciation continues to this day.
November’s guest speaker Frank Kaputa is the co-chair of the Connecticut’s Notable Trees project and is active with measuring and photographing trees, public outreach, and maintaining the project’s database and website.
“I became involved in the project in 2005, thanks to a friend,” said Frank. “I was always a hiker and backpacker and loved the outdoors, and I knew the difference between an oak tree and a maple tree, but not much more. Now, the more I learn, the more fascinated I become, even after nearly twenty years.”
Frank’s presentation will introduce us to the Notable Trees project, share its history and explain what makes a tree notable in our state. Pictures and information about various notable trees will be included, with an emphasis on trees in the Hartford area, especially those in Suffield.
“Suffield has some very notable trees,” added Frank. “Today I counted over 30 live trees in Suffield in our database.”
Come and find out where they are! This program is free and open to members and non-members.
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: Kent Memorial Library Auditorium, 50 North Main St. (Rt.75), Suffield, CT.
The auditorium is located in the lower level. Parking and the entrance are in the back.
The Suffield Garden Club, organized in 1934, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the beautification of Suffield. New members are welcome!
Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month. To see updates and photos, follow us on Facebook.
To become a member or see the full calendar, visit www.SuffieldGardenClub.org.