Souper Bowl of Caring

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The West Suffield Congregational Church is having our second annual Debbie Halladay-Pierce Souper Bowl of Caring on Sunday, February 9 at 10 a.m. It’s a joint project between the Sunday School and our Missions Committee. Last year, with the help of Missions, the children of the church learned that they can make a tremendous difference in the world and have a little fun while they’re doing it. They collected 462 food items for Suffield elderly and disabled residents. Then we sat down for a soup luncheon that added almost $500 in grocery gift cards! The children were so happy that most of them stayed upstairs after service in order to create sculptures from all the cans they had accumulated. I hope you enjoy the picture.

Phot provided by the author
Children create sculptures from donated cans of food during last year’s Souper Bowl of Caring honoring Debbie Halladay-Pierce at West Suffield Congregational Church.

Debbie was a beloved member of our community. She was a teacher, and a very good one at that. My favorite story about Debbie was that she was tutoring a child over the phone while sitting out in her farm stand during a massive thunderstorm. The child was convinced she’d be electrocuted. She just kept teaching. One of her favorite projects at the church was the Souper Bowl. It was the best party of the year and a lot of good got done during. Debbie was adored in our church, especially by the children, so this is a fitting tribute for her.

If Debbie touched your life, come to church on February 9 and help us pay her tribute. Bring some non-perishable foods to donate and prepare for a bowl of delicious soup to warm your soul. There will be a free will offering at the luncheon.

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