Dear Editor,
We are a town of mosaics. Together we make up a diverse quilt of ideas, beliefs, expectations and priorities. We come from different ethnic, cultural and educational backgrounds, and various religious or non-religious beliefs. Yet despite these differences, we all share a common humanity. Over the last several years, through the ups and downs of the pandemic, political disruptions and differences, economic struggles and the like, we have all tried to keep going. We ALL face challenges. This cannot be denied. But of late it seems at times the discord within our town has been palpable. All the more reason to remind ourselves of the power and importance of our common humanity and the importance of civil discourse and social connection.
We ALL yearn to be connected, to be recognized, to be listened to and to be valued. There is one simple approach that I have tried and found to be quite powerful. Whether at the Suffield Market, Kent Memorial Library, the Barista or entering Town Hall, when you encounter another human being, attempt eye contact and offer a simple smile. If the person looks down or does not respond, simply remember that we have no idea what burden another person may be carrying. This smile may be the only smile a person has received in a long while. And it may fuel a valuable conversation, even bridging differences, which otherwise might never have been recognized or understood. Maybe Pollyannish but believe in the power of a simple gesture!