Melissa Mack
Summer is finally here and in full swing! I’ve been hearing about lots of wonderful places and events residents are planning to enjoy. Remember, you don’t have to travel far to make some great summer memories – Suffield has lots to do! I am devoting my July/August article to many of the upcoming “Things to Do” in our town. At this writing, many of the specifics are still in the works so please visit our website (www.suffieldct.gov) for updates.
Looking to cool off? Babb’s Beach is officially open for business! Admission to the beach is free to residents and their guests daily from 8 a.m. to dusk with gate attendants posted Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday noon to 7 p.m. In addition to swimming, storage racks for kayaks, canoes and stand up paddle boards are available for a nominal fee. Please contact Parks & Recreation for more information. On land, play a game of horseshoes or beach volleyball. Unwind with yoga classes on the beach during the month of July. Please take advantage of this new addition to our town offerings.I am happy to report that the reopening of Babb’s has inspired leaders in both the Town and volunteer organizations to think of new ways to utilize the facility. The Parks & Recreation Commission will host an Open House at Babb’s Beach on Wednesday, July 12, 3:00 – 6:30 p.m. This is a great opportunity to showcase the beach and park and includes informal tours around the property, games on the beach, music, light snacks and there is talk of a sandcastle contest for children (or adults!). Wendy Mitzel, Youth Outreach Coordinator at Kent Memorial Library, plans to kick off a new initiative with a “Teen Night” at Babb’s. She is forming a Teen Advisory Committee to help spearhead this event and future ones. Any teens interested in joining the committee, email Wmitzel@suffield-library.org. Citizens Restoring Congamond is bringing bluegrass music to the shores of Babb’s in the form of the Paddle Faster Bluegrass Festival scheduled for August 19th from 9 a.m. – 10 p.m. For tickets and information go to www.paddlefastermusic.com.
Looking for fun? The Police and Fire Departments continue to enrich our town not only by keeping us safe, but by planning community activities that bring us together. Fireworks fill the night sky on July 15th at Spaulding Elementary School in an annual crowd-pleasing display, courtesy of the Suffield Firefighter’s Association. The Police Department once again hosts “Police Night Out” on August 1st at Spaulding Elementary School. The event is part of a national effort towards drug and crime prevention. First responders – including police, fire, ambulance and the highway department – will be in attendance, and their vehicles on display. In past years, attendees enjoyed K-9 demonstrations, food and a chance to get to know Suffield’s safety personnel.
Looking for farm fresh food? The Suffield Farmers Market is held rain or shine, on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on the south Town Green through Columbus Day weekend. Support “Locally Grown” and meet the farmers that grow your food. The harvest changes with the season. For participating vendors and offerings go to www.suffieldfarmersmarket.com.
Looking to take a hike? Visit the many trails in and around town at Sunrise Park, Jessie Fowler Smith Memorial Town Forest, Stony Brook Park, the Suffield Mountain Trail, the Windsor Locks Canal Trail, the Farmington Valley Greenway Trail, and more or just a leisurely stroll down historic Main Street.
Looking to get involved? We are fortunate to live in a town rich in community spirit and heritage. That pride will be on full display in 2020 when Suffield celebrates its 350th Anniversary. To ensure that we, the residents of Suffield, plan festivities worthy of our beautiful town, a 350th Anniversary Committee was created. The Board of Selectmen appointed the following residents to lead this important work: Chris Childs, Kacy Colston, Matt Joyal, Aysha Lee Moore, Norm Noble, Eric Remington, Art Sikes, and Lester Smith. This diverse and energetic committee will undertake an enormous task. It will form subcommittees to help with this tremendous effort. We are thankful for the many volunteers who have come forward to date and continue to welcome additional members. Please contact fsadmin@suffieldct.gov if interested in getting involved.
I encourage every resident to explore all that Suffield has to offer this summer. It’s a season where Suffield really shines. While you enjoy these long relaxing days, we at the Town of Suffield will be working hard finishing up negotiations on the seven Town union contracts, monitoring the State’s budget frenzy, as well as making headway on our capital projects. Look for my September column to summarize the progress we’ve made.
Happy Summer! Soak up all that Suffield has to offer!