Suffield is lucky to have many youth that make Suffield a nicer place to live. One of the Scouts in Boy Scout Troop 260 has been working on his Eagle project at the Jesse Fowler Smith Forest in town.
After researching the information to go on the signs and what to make the signs out of he put numbered signs along the trail. There is a map that identifies the names of plants and trees and a fact or two about each. When he went out to show people the project he found a quarter of his signs were missing. Not only were the signs gone but his time and the supplies he used to build the signs were gone too. A Scout has to raise the money for his project through fund raising and donations.
It is sad that some people can’t find other things to do than destroy something others have built. Especially when the end results is something for the townspeople to learn from and enjoy.
Bev Sikes