Continuous Programs – New Members Welcome!
Photo Café – 1st Tuesdays, November 7, 6:30 p.m.
Writers Workshop – 4th Mondays, November 27, 7p.m.
Socrates Café – Last Mondays, November 27 at 6:30 p.m. – Discuss current philosophical questions such as “What is Gender?” “What is Knowledge?”
Ask George technical questions about your digital devices. Saturdays, November 4 and 18. Sign up for an appointment.
Book Discussions
Thursday Readers, November 9 at 12:30 p.m. Ordinary Grace by William Krueger
World Book Group, Thursday, November 16 at 7 p.m. 44 Scotland Street by Alexander McCall Smith
Books in the Parlor at the Phelps Hatheway House Visitor’s Center, Tuesday, November 21 at 2 p.m. The President’s Lady: A Novel about Rachel and Andrew Jackson by Irving Stone
Friday, October 2 – December 8. Stock Market Game. It’s not too late to sign up! Ka-ching! Middle School and High School can sign up to play the Stock Market Game. The Connecticut Stock Market Game is sponsored by SIFMA (Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association). Students can work individually or form teams to spend $100,000 in virtual money to build a diversified investment portfolio of stocks. Trades happen in real time so students experience how real-world events impact the capital market. A prize will be awarded to the top team or individual.
Wednesday, November 1. Happy Birthday to the Library! Have some cake on us (until it runs out). In 1897, Sidney Albert Kent donated $35,000 to build a library as a memorial to his parents, Albert and Lucinda Kent. On November 1, 1899, the Kent Memorial Library was dedicated. Mr. Kent gave the library 6,872 carefully selected books, 32 magazines and newspapers and created a $25,000 endowment. The land, on High Street, upon which the library stood, was part of the allotment of land made in 1678 to Samuel Kent.
Sunday, November 5 at 2 p.m. at the Senior Center: Odds Bodkin’s Fun and Spooky Tales for Young and Old. Halloween may be over for some, but not for everyone. Odds Bodkin is a Master Storyteller who uses character voices, sound effects and original music on guitars and Celtic harp. His stories will give you just enough chills, but not too many. Suitable for children ages 4 and up.
Wednesday, November 8 at 7 p.m. Local Author, David Abare, will talk about his book, The Swing Over the Ocean and the process of self publishing. A man saves a little girl, and as his world changes overnight, he hopes he can save himself. It’s a story about the bravery in the willingness to change, despite the comfort in remaining the same. Copies of the books will be available for sale and signing. Light refreshments will be served.
Saturday, November 11 at 2 p.m. at the Senior Center: Connecticut Doughboys in France with Alan Crane.
A program for Veteran’s Day. Alan Crane will explore the story of the 102nd regiment from its birth at the Yale Bowl to its baptism at Seicheprey, triumph at St. Mihel, and its ultimate return to the Nutmeg State. Alan Crane is a WWI historian and researcher with a special interest in the contributions of Connecticut’s men and women to the war effort. He is the President of the 26th Yankee Division WWI Living History Group, a historical re-enactment group dedicated to bringing to life the experiences of the foot soldier in the First World War. Mr. Crane is an avid collector of WWI artifacts and has a BA in History from Eastern Connecticut State University.
Saturday, November 18
Remembering World War I Digitization Project, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Suffield Senior Center. Bring in your World War I artifacts to scan.
We welcome photos and keepsakes from men and women that will help us tell their stories from World War I. Digital images of these objects will be made available online and preserved in the Connecticut Digital Archive. The only prerequisite for inclusion in this project is that participants are Connecticut residents and that items are related to World War I.
Thursday, December 7 at 7 p.m. at the Senior Center: Women and War. A Presentation by the Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame. Women have been involved in military conflicts from the beginning of time; some as warriors, some as spies and others who made the munitions or simply called for peace. Connecticut women are among the finest and bravest who have stood for their cause – sometimes defying gender norms, and often without the recognition they deserved. CWHF Inductees prove that women are just as tough as men and will inspire others to shatter gender barriers. Learn about a teenager who helped save Danbury during the Revolutionary War, how Harriet Beecher Stowe sowed the seeds of conflict leading to the Civil War, and how Margaret Bourke-White’s photography brought civilians face to face with the war front for the first time.
For more information or to register for programs, stop by the library, call 860-668-3896, check, or follow us on Facebook. All of our programs are free! Most of our programs are funded by The Friends of the Kent Memorial Library. Become a member. Please register for