For the second year in a row, sixth-grader Colby Evans has invited team-mates from her travel basketball team to come to her birthday party bringing toys for unidentified families whose children would otherwise be wanting at Christmas, for distribution through the Suffield Police Department. Colby, an articulate young lady who also plays saxophone in the Suffield Middle School band, is a point guard, reportedly fast and a good shooter (and the shortest player) in the team.
This year on December 17 – her birthday is in January, but who would quibble? – the girls assembled a sizable pile of toys on the Evans’ dining room table. Karen Doyon of the Suffield Police Department reported that the toys were to be taken by the department to a selected homeless shelter in Connecticut that dealt with families.
Colby’s basketball team reported a 5 – 1 season so far, but the 13 girls seem like winners regardless of the season’s outcome!