From the pages of the Windsor Locks Journal, selected and lightly annotated by Lester Smith, Historian of the Town and the Suffield Historical Society
March 1
Town Treasurer Samuel R. Spencer is at work on the town budget for the coming year, and the present figures indicate that it will be necessary to levy a tax of 11 mills on the list of 1917 to clean up the indebtedness and current expenses. . . . According to a law passed by the last General Assembly each town must . . . lay a sufficient tax to clean up its expense and indebtedness except in case of unusual improvement, which may spread over a short term of years.
Twenty-six Polish men and women registered for the night school [to learn the English language] which started in the Center school.
For failing to send his 14-years-old son to school, after receiving notice from Superintendent Chapman, August Corbin of South street was before Justice Sikes Saturday. . . . Justice Sikes fined Corbin $3 and costs on three different counts and ordered him to send the boy to school at once.
March 8
The Ladies’ Aid Society of the M. E. church [in West Suffield Center] has offered to provide oil for heating the room in the school building . . . for the use of the women who go there Thursday afternoons to do war relief work for the soldiers.
George W. Adams, who went to Canada after a carload of horses to be used on the farms and for general purpose, is expected home any day.
March 15
There was a good attendance at the special town meeting held at the Town hall Saturday afternoon. . . . A motion was then made and carried that a tax of 11 mills be levied on the list of 1917, due and payable April 15, subject to a discount of 2 per cent, if paid on or before that date.
Postmaster Edward Perkins has received notice from the post office department that beginning April 15 free delivery service will be given in the center of the town. There will be one carrier and one delivery a day. The route will be Main street, from Fuller’s corner to Spencer’s corner [Mapleton Avenue to Kent Avenue], taking parts of Bridge street and Depot street [part of Mountain Road].
Several farmers have bought new horses for farm work of Joseph Adams and sons, who recently brought a carload from Canada.
March 22
First Selectman Edwin S. Seymour and Mrs. Seymour, who have been spending the past two months in California, are expected home to-day.
March 29
At a rally held yesterday in the chapel of the Suffield School, twenty boys, between the ages of 16 and 21, enlisted in the United States Boys’ Working Reserve. By so doing they agree to spend the greater part of their summer vacation either farming, shipbuilding, in munitions factories or some other industry essential to our winning of the war.
A meeting of the members of the Farm Bureau was held at Union Hall Monday evening to make arrangements for the agricultural census which is to be taken throughout the state.
There will be a war rally in the Town hall next Tuesday evening in the interest of the War Savings campaign. . . . Herbert McCormick, who was in the ambulance corps of the French army, will tell of his experiences at the front.
Unless you put your clocks forward one hour Saturday evening you may be one hour late for church Sunday morning.