On a recent trip to London and Paris, Kathy Krar (holding the Observer) is pictured with her grandchildren (from the left) Nicholas Mayo, Bella Nutini, and Zachary Krar. They’re dining in the Eiffel Tower’s restaurant, part way up to the top.
Irene Beresford Clark and Lynn Joyal pose with The Suffield Observer in front of the Sight & Sound Theater in Lancaster County, Penn. They were waiting with the lion and the lamb to see the production called JESUS. Sight & Sound produces extravagant musical presentations of Bible stories in a 2,000-seat theater with a 300-foot wrap-around stage and impressive audio and visual effects.
Nick Sinofsky holds the peripatetic Observer, standing with his father, Darren, in front of St. Mark’s Basilica in July. The visit to Venice was a stop on their tour of Northern Italy.
When the Danielson, McDonagh, and Sinofsky families vacationed at the Bar W Guest Ranch in Whitefish, Mont., this summer, all 11 were photographed, with four of them seated astride wooden steers. They took along not one, but two recent copies of the Observer, an extravagance perhaps appropriate to that Big Sky state.