Newest Nonprofit in Town Will Change Lives

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Partnering to Reach Aspirations now has tax exempt status and aims to transition recent graduates with mild Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) from student life to independent living. An Amiel P. Zak Public Service Grant will help provide educational opportunities to Suffield residents, educators and business leaders in order to better understand the strengths and needs of our young adults on the spectrum and provide them opportunities to pursue their strengths and interests. Currently, one out of every 29 students in Suffield has been diagnosed as being on the spectrum, and it is by creating a supportive, accepting, and inspiring community around them that they are going to find their place and make the positive contributions of which they are capable.

Following educational events for the general public will come programs and opportunities for instruction in life/work skills development for our recent graduates with ASD. Underutilized space in town will be used until a permanent location for both residential and day programs is acquired. Fundraising events around the theme of A Town with Heart will serve as invitations to all Suffield residents to become involved in changing lives.

A popup complimentary refreshment center will appear in the center of town from mid-July to late August, Monday through Friday, 2 to 5 p.m., to encourage everyone to Take a Break and learn more about future plans for Suffield. Members of Partnering to Reach Aspirations and Exceptional Children of Suffield hope you will stop by as you and your family come through town on a jog, walk, bicycle ride or while doing errands. We all deserve a break in our busy days. For more information contact

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