Construction work on the new Remington Street bridge has continued, as allowed by Gov. Lamont’s executive orders in the Covid-19 emergency, and progress has been made.
A short section of Remington Street between Poole Road and the bridge is being widened to allow a gentler turn at the new bridge. Utility poles have been installed for traffic signals to control alternating one-way traffic during certain phases of construction, as traffic will continue throughout the project. The signals are still shrouded.
Excavation and other work is under way for relocating the sanitary sewer line that now crosses Stony Brook just downstream of the present bridge. The line will be shifted just upstream of the present bridge during construction, then hung below the new bridge.
At this writing, it didn’t appear that excavation behind the cofferdams for the new bridge’s abutments had begun. The schedule calls for completion next fall.
(This writer offers his apology for the typographical error in last month’s report, which mistakenly said the new bridge overlapped the old one at its west end. The overlap is at the east end.)